Registered office:
Branch offices:
E-mail: info@smscostruzioni.eu
LegalEmail: smscostruzionigeneralispa@legalmail.it
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via XXVIII Luglio, 212
47893 Borgo Maggiore
Republic of San Marino(RSM)
Phone (+378) 0549 946211
Fax (+378) 0549 946290
C.O.E. SM04667
Iscrizione Reg.Gen.Soc.N. 6011
Cap.Soc. €3.000.000,00 i.v.
47893 Borgo Maggiore
Republic of San Marino(RSM)
Phone (+378) 0549 946211
Fax (+378) 0549 946290
C.O.E. SM04667
Iscrizione Reg.Gen.Soc.N. 6011
Cap.Soc. €3.000.000,00 i.v.
Branch offices:
Stable Organisation in Italy
via Provinciale 5
67021 Barisciano (AQ)
Phone (+39) 335 6281966
C.F.: 91024910407
P.I.: 03119920407
R.E.A. AQ - 139344
Codice ATECO/2007 N. 41.20.00
via Provinciale 5
67021 Barisciano (AQ)
Phone (+39) 335 6281966
C.F.: 91024910407
P.I.: 03119920407
R.E.A. AQ - 139344
Codice ATECO/2007 N. 41.20.00
E-mail: info@smscostruzioni.eu
LegalEmail: smscostruzionigeneralispa@legalmail.it
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SMS Costruzioni Generali S.p.A. has been certified and qualified
by Protos SOA in order to take part in Italian tenders public for
various kinds of project, particularly in the OG.1 category (civil
and industrial buildings) for an unlimited amount.
Open certification SOA »
SMS is certified by CERMET: occupational health and safety management system certificate
Open certification 9001:2015 »
Open certification 18001:2007 »